
joint interim administrative structure معنى

  • الهيكل الإداري المؤقت المشترك
  • joint    adj. مفصل في الجسم ...
  • interim    adj. مؤقت, مرحلي; ...
  • administrative    adj. إداري, حاكم, ...
  • structure    n. مبني, بنية, كيا ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. joint inter-agency programme for the integration of women in development معنى
  2. joint inter-agency task force on science and technology for development معنى
  3. joint inter-agency working group معنى
  4. joint inter-governmental regional committee on human settlements and environment معنى
  5. joint interim commission معنى
  6. joint interim working party معنى
  7. joint international observer group معنى
  8. joint international unesco-wipo service for access by developing countries to works protected by copyright معنى
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